
  • Exhibition note

    On “Go F!GURE: Contemporary Chinese Portraiture” at the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, Australia.

  • The French connection

    The French connection

    On relations between the French intelligentsia and the Soviets.

  • Gallery chronicle

    On “Lois Dodd: Selected Panel Paintings” at Alexandre Gallery, “Paul Resika: 8+8, Eight Paintings from Eight Decades” at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, “Paul Resika: 8+8, Eight Recent Paintings” at Lori Bookstein Fine Art, “Mario Naves: Recent Paintings” and “Brett Baker: Paintings” at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, and “Sharon Butler: Precisionist Casual” at Pocket Utopia.

  • Inventing abstraction at MOMA

    On “Inventing Abstraction, 1910–1925” at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

  • Exhibition note

    On “Peter Lely: A Lyrical Vision” at The Courtauld Gallery, London.

  • Matisse: In search of true painting

    Matisse: In search of true painting

    On “Matisse: In Search of True Painting” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

  • Gallery chronicle

    On “To be a Lady: forty-five women in the arts” at the 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery.

  • Exhibition note

    On “Paul Klee—Philosophical Vision: From Nature to Art,” which opened at the McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College on September 1 and remains on view until December 9, 2012.

  • Mark Rothko: the decisive decade

    On “Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade, 1940–1950,” which opened at the Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, on September 14, 2012 and remains on view through January 6, 2013.

  • Exhibition note

    On “Art of Change: New Directions from China,” which opened at the Hayward Gallery, London on September 7 and remains on view until December 8, 2012, and “Everything Was Moving: Photography from the ’60s and ’70s,” which opened at the Barbican Art Gallery, London September 13, 2012 and remains on view until January 13, 2013.

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