Claude Monet, Les Peupliers à Giverny, 1887
Recent links of note:
MoMA’s Monet Fire Sale
Jerry Saltz, Vulture
“Is it really worth trading a Monet for a slice of Koons’s hanging locomotive?” You can probably guess what we think.
Architecture Continues to Implode: More Insiders Admit the Profession is Failing
Jason Shubow, Forbes
“Don’t clients and architects have a moral obligation to consider the effect on the public? Architecture is not like a painting in a private house or a sculpture in a museum; the public is forced to live with it.
Art for Data’s Sake
Leann Davis Alspaugh, The Hedgehog Review
When you go to a museum, are you looking for the full technological experience? No? Well, too bad—you’re going to get it anyway.
Orality, Literacy, and the Memorized Poem
Mike Chasar, Poetry Magazine
Whatever happened to recitation?
Heartland Art
James Panero, Philanthropy Magazine
The Crystal Bridges museum is Bentonville’s hidden treasure.
From our pages:
New “old-fashioned” shaming
Andrew C. McCarthy
Congress wants to amend the first amendment